Bible Study

Join us each Sunday morning at 9:45 for Bible study. Being a part of a class is more than finding a room to have Bible study. In these groups, you will find people who care for each other, pray for each other, share with each other, and have fun and serve together. This small group can be your extended family within the larger church family.

The beauty of Sunday morning Bible study is that the family is always looking for new members. People aren’t just born into this family, they are searched out and adopted! We reach out to our friends and neighbors and say: “Come and see what we have found! Come and join our family!” See below for some possibilities for your Bible Study connection.

Hominy Online Connect with a number of resources: live Zoom Gatherings, Video Bible Studies and downloadable materials

Young & Middle Adults (Ferguson Center Classroom)                                    This informal group enjoys discussing a wide range of topics from the Bible. All are welcome in this group led by Melissa Hughes and Paul Raybon.

Ron Piercy Adult (Bennett Assembly, behind the sanctuary)
This is a group of still-working grandparents and retirees. They describe themselves as “alive, fun-loving, open minded, caring, and accepting.” They are very involved in the life of the church and community. Jerry Sutton, Joe Johnson, and Doug Williams lead this class with a mixture of discussion and lecture. 

3rd Thursdays

Join a wide range of adults for Fellowship and Bible Study in the home of Jeff and Tonya Cupples on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30. Main course of food and topic is provided by Jeff and Tonya, side dishes, dessert and discussion is provided by you! Go to to sign up.


One of the keys to growth in Christ is to find men of like heart and become brothers walking together on the journey of faith. Men at Hominy often come together to respond to a specific need in the congregation or community.


We strive to meet with women across generations – to learn, serve, and grow spiritually together.  

We has three active mission circle groups available for women of all ages to learn about world and community needs and actively respond by serving in a variety of ways.